Page updates
March 14th, 2020
- Posted a statement regarding Zelda Classic on the index. It's been coming for a while, but I feel it's only fair to make it official.
September 17th, 2019
Some minor things.
- Updated ALTTS and Caballo download pages. Mac OS is no longer supported.
November 10th, 2016
- Updated Caballo's description slightly.
November 9th, 2016
- Cleaned up a bunch of old, outdated stuff.
July 25th, 2016
Happy seven years, ALTTS!
- I started that quest eleven years ago. Help.
- In actual updates, ALTTS is now V1.10, with a few more bugfixes and a new song for Level 5 again!
- Poked the Contact page again, as seems to almost be a ritual by this point.
March 12th, 2016
Happy Late New Year Everybody
- Changed a few links in the previous updates on this page. PureZC relocated (I missed this for so long because I don't even think about touching previous update text), and CZC/ZCRealm is no more.
I'm debating a few changes to the site. Maybe a few layout updates, a few content updates, and finally getting that wallpaper page done. We'll see where the next few weeks/months take me.
November 1st, 2015
More minor LTTS stuff.
- LTTS updated to v1.09. Very minor graphical fixes, but fixes nonetheless.
October 30th, 2015
- Fixed some formatting on the LTTS update page.
- Also, LTTS updated to v1.08! More minor bugfixes, some minor rebalancing, and a major bug fixed.
October 29th, 2015
Hey, a content update.
- Updated the contact page... again. It's a neverending race.
- ALTTS updated to v1.05! There's a few minor bugfixes, and a music change. (I know, I said I'd never do that, but one song has been grating on me for six years. It had to go.)
February 14th, 2015
More little maintenance.
- EL is dead, so I got rid of that little note.
- More contact info optimization.
January 1st, 2015
happy new year i guess
- With Exalted Legion's next (and likely permanent) demise, I'm giving another notice. When it dies, I'll remove it.
- Slight text change regarding wallpapers. I swear, one of these days I'll actually make a page for them.
- Updated ALTTS2 pages to reflect the project's current status.
June 17th, 2014
Probably one of the most important updates ever.
- Switched PureZC URLs to, instead of The latter's a stupid generic advertising site now, and I'm fucking livid with myself that I forgot to do this. That's all this time, but honestly, that's enough.
April 12th, 2014
So long, Windows XP, and thanks for all the fish!
- Removed the End6 javascript. I don't believe anyone who still uses IE6 will be switching off it anytime soon, Windows XP is likely to lose some of its market share due to support ending, and the End6 site no longer exists anyway.
- Removed some text from the ALTTS download pages. It's been done for nearly five years, it's nothing mindblowing that it's up! (It's more mindblowing that I've been maintaining this page for five and a half years.)
- Changed some page titles to make more sense. (for example, download page titles actually mention that they're download pages, and I've lengthened the ALTTS abbreviation.)
- ...On that note, actually made the Caballo page titles reference Caballo instead of ALTTS. How did this slip through for so long?
March 31st, 2014
...Two in less than a week?
- Removed page sub-titles in ZC pages. LTTS being done isn't news anymore, it's been almost five years. (what the shit)
- Even more text cleanup.
- And, as is customary, a contact page update. It makes no sense to say I'm available through most major IM protocols if I only use AIM, does it?
- ...And even more than updating its text, fixing a consistency issue and removing unnecessary line breaks. This issue goes back to even V1.0!
March 25th, 2014
A content update?!
- Exalted Legion has returned. Noted this on the index -- if you got here from an EL link, please let me know!
- ALTTS updated to v1.02! This fixes a major bug that can crop up if you're playing on a version newer than 1.92b184. (Which, let's face it, is approximately 100% of you anymore)
- Updated a whole slew of quest pages -- information about 2.5 and trackers, updates, general text cleanup, etc.
- More contact info updates.
- Also, this doesn't get mentioned much, but wallpapers have been added since even the August 19th update, let alone the last time I mentioned it here...
August 19th, 2013
bleh, more minor crap
- More minor contact page updates. This includes cleaning up the source.
- Some slight edits to the ALTTS2 pages.
April 28th, 2013
Seriously add some decent content again already. ...Well, some's coming soon, at least?
- Updated the Contact page. ...Again.
July 30th, 2012
...All that time for this?!
- Added a link to a wallpapers folder. May make a separate page for it at some point.
- Fixed a ridiculously minor mistake in the contact page.
- While I was there, updated it. Removed places that no longer exist, or no longer relevant.
February 4th, 2012
Minor, major, help?
- Updated the contact page AGAIN, with the death of exaltedlegion.
- ...And added a DA contact location, instead! Not sure how this one's evaded me for so long.
- Made an important front page note.
January 6th, 2012
Welcome to A HOMEPAGE's new location on!
- The biggest change: A new URL. Again, many thanks to Exate for the three years of stable hosting and many thanks to Xkeeper for allowing me to move onto Rusted Logic.
- Removed the CZC link from ALTTS's download page. After all, the site's going under this month...
- Fixed the index's title to reflect v2.2, and the move to rustedlogic.
- Adjusted the sidebar - it's allowed 97px from the top and bottom, instead of 25% - this will solve some issues that cause it to require a scrollbar when it really shouldn't.
January 5th, 2012
The updates just keep rolling in.
- Caballo is live! Go fetch it.
- Updated the banner alt-text... it accurately reflects the site's version (2.2) now.
- Contact page, again, has a new coat of paint.
- Also updated the Contact page. It should FINALLY be completely up to date.
January 4th, 2012
I can be dumb sometimes. Also, a handful of changes!
- Actually updated the site updates page. I forgot to touch it before. Go me.
- Minor site revision - I've made the chrome bars the same color on all pages. This... simplifies things a little bit for me, as well as makes things look a little more unified. The CSS even makes slightly more sense, too!
- FINALLY fixed the long-standing right div issue. Now, if you're on a too-small display, you can SCROLL! However, if you do not need to scroll, no scrollbar will appear. This does look best on Safari on OS X 10.7, though... that's more the way Apple changed things, though, than something I took into consideration... though it looks okay on a Linux/BSD system with a dark GTK scheme. Sorry, Windows users with lighter schemes... not very much I could do here.
- Modified the text in the ALTTS Maps page. I found it to be rather awkwardly worded as it was.
- Updated the ALTTS download page a bit as well, to take Mac OS X and Linux users (being a user of both myself, as well) into consideration. The quest remains 1.92, but I do support and plan to fix issues causing bugs in 2.5 RC2.
- Also, gave the Contact page's color a change. It's no longer a sea-green, but more... sea-blueish, I guess? It's hard to name the color. (This color will be visible after the Caballo update.)
- New banners are live - this pretty much IS v2.2, after all...
January 1st, 2012
Fun fact: I forgot this summary!
- Modified the front page's text.
- A test of the more monochromatic page design was put live on the indexes - kinda didn't mean to leave it live as it was just for feedback, but oh well.
December 3rd, 2011
The last update of the Exalted Legion era. Updates will be mirrored on Exalted Legion and Rusted Logic until the Caballo update or site layout update.
- Fixed up the Contact Info a bit - removed old information, and generally updated things a bit more.
- Gave warning that the site is going to move soon.
May 8th, 2011
Got some future plans in store, not to mention site changes.
- Removed an angry comment from the Contact page. Turns out I can actually block AIM spambots, unlike MSN and YIM... goes to show what the superior service is!
April 8th, 2011
First update of 2011!
- Contact page, again, updated. Don'tcha just like those spambots?
December 22nd, 2010
More minor things.
- Added a Steam contact to my Contact Info page.
- ...On the subject of contact info, updated the IRC section finally.
August 17th, 2010
Admittedly minor.
- Fixed validation error in the ALTTS download page, at last!
July 31st, 2010
Yep, another long time update.
- Added LTTS2 pages. I don't know if I'll make an updates page just yet.
- Updated the Contact Info page. It now features links to Twitter and Youtube accounts, and is slightly better organized. Also removed the rarely-checking-email notification, as I use an actual client now.
- New CSS and such for the Contact Info section, as well.
- Ironically, this very page was quite out of date in the sidebar. Removed remaining Feedback link, and added a LTTS Download link.
May 23rd, 2010
About damned time I did an update.
- Updated the homepage with a little progress notification on LTTS2. I still have to create pages for it, but didn't feel up to it at the time.
- Removed a bit of extraneous text and comments from the pages. This is an admittedly minor update.
- Also updated the Contact Info.
July 27th, 2009
- Added a link to ALTTS's PureZC submission.
- ALTTS has been updated to V1.01. Redownloading is imperative.
July 25th, 2009
- Added a link to ALTTS's CZC submission.
July 24th, 2009
- Got rid of the Feedback page. Once I pick up some PHP it might come back, though.
- ALTTS is finished! Its section has been updated.
- Updated contact information page a bit.
- Fixed a link on this very page. Whoops.
June 29th, 2009
- Finally decided to just use divs. The conversion was done by Exate, however.
- LTTS is still alive. I just haven't had a huge motive burst to work on it until recently.
May 4th, 2009
Minor stuff today.
- Readded the end6 javascript, with a slight tweak. It should come back every day, instead of every ten, and there was a text change.
I'm working on an idea to use divs instead of tables, to carry out the proper idea mentioned on the main page. This would also effectively break IE6 compatibility, but... with the script on the main page, I doubt anyone would expect it to look right under that anymore.
May 3rd, 2009
Wow, I haven't touched this thing in a couple months.
- You'd have to be blind not to notice the new layout, here. It was mostly inspired by the need to do a new page for my college project, but I figured it would also be a nice change to apply to my own page. Let me know if anything's broken!
- Moved the LTTS About page into its index, effectively removing a useless page from the site.
- I decided to ditch the past LTTS updates. If there's demand I'll bring them back, but for the time being... I'll only keep the current month's.
I was actually considering using div tags... but I figured it's honestly not worth the site looking shrunken on those with larger monitors. I use a smaller one myself, but I still wouldn't find it fair to force others to look at a squished site.
The site's retained a few CSS elements from the old page, but for the most part things should be completely different. Hopefully enough to get me a decent grade!
I also did attempt a background, but it didn't quite look right... so I opted to stick with pure black. I'd be happy to take suggestions.
March 3rd, 2009
- I needed my pages to validate, but nested lists were giving me endless problems... so I've temporarily removed them until I can find a solution to the issue.
- The page now uses external CSS sheets.
February 9th, 2009
Nowhere near as major of an update, but it's still fairly important.
- Fixed a few stylesheet problems: LTTS's About page did not have any styling at all, and Contact Info used the wrong font in its sidebar.
- Fixed a small issue in LTTS's current update page, as well. The proper page title in the sidebar is now highlighted.
- The site has changed locations! There may be possible issues... you know how to contact me about them, I hope.
- In my seemingly infinite idiocy, I actually double-defined a table in the index. Fixed this one, too...
February 6th, 2009
A plethora of updates, mostly code-based, though there's even a few site changes noticable to the eye as well!
- Firstly, most, if not all, of the site's formatting is dictated by CSS now. It's great being able to, for the most part, ditch font tags. They may crop up if I need a color that isn't going to be used anywhere else at all, but for the most part they're gone, and I'm happy.
- Another slightly undesired change to the lists: They're now using <ul> tags, thus, they're indented. I'm not bothered enough to try to find a workaround, however.
- However, I was able to return the black bullets via images! So, I suppose it looks better overall, then...
- I've changed the workings of LTTS's old update pages to be easier to work with.
- They go by year, now, instead of month. This removes the need to edit each page's si-debar so often.
- Due to above change, pages now have anchor tags for each month.
It's also my grandmother's birthday today. May she enjoy it, though I know she'll never be able to see this page.
January 27th, 2009
- Converted much of the formatting to use style tags.
- a result, the bullets on lists are no longer black. It's uglier this way, but the code became a little bit of a mess.
November 18th, 2008
- Zcf is up - added sidebar link.
November 12th, 2008
- Considering a ZQuest tutorial for V2.10... need input on whether such a thing would truly be necessary now, however.
November 3rd, 2008
- LTTS - About page added.
- Site ready for upload.