phila2012 Shot taken May 8, 2012, on Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 - Edited October 12, 2021 I've really been digging through the archives lately, it seems! This was taken the same day as "downbeat", another shot which took me quite a while to end up doing much with. I went out to see a movie that day, and had plenty of fun looking for photo opportunities while we were driving around. This was in the middle of 2012, when I was really starting to hit my stride with creating these. (Shame it'd take me until 2020-2021 to really get in the groove again...) I had put this one up previously on DeviantArt as a silly one-off called "philadelphiatari" in 2013, a little more than a year after I originally took the photo. Much like "Thinking" (a shot from February 2012!) I turned this one up while browsing through some old files, and... again, not sure why I didn't do anything with it. I also turned up a green four-color version I created in 2019 when attempting to hone my workflow for GIMP before returning to IrfanView for most of my editing. While I opted to stick with a golden palette more similar to "philadelphiatari", I ultimately decided to roll with 16 colors for this one. I really couldn't think of a better name for this, and I've already used a similar naming scheme with "hallo2011" and "hallo2013", so I figured I'd just name this one "phila2012". Hell, maybe I'll be able to snag some new content and throw out a "hallo2021" or something? (...Now to hope that statement doesn't age poorly.)