Overcast Shot taken June 22, 2012, on Galaxy Player 5.0 - Wallpapered July 5, 2012 Available for all normal sizes. Yes, this is 16 colors. It loses surprisingly little, so why not use that to my advantage? This one was taken right outside. We were getting a pretty big storm, and I figured I'd take a shot of the sky before the rain started falling. Because, y'know, water, electronics, etc. It started AS I was taking this, actually, with a few drops. I didn't mean to get the tree in, but it actually adds a little something. I dunno, eh. Either way, this one was quite enjoyable to make. Added yet another resolution - 1600x1200. Can't believe I overlooked that one. Bleh. Probably going to add 1600x1200 to all my past wallpapers, too, if I can find the source images and such again. Shouldn't be impossible, but it's a bit weirdly organized before I went up to Windows 7.