Longing For Warmth Shot taken on February 11, 2021, on Moto G8 Plus - Wallpapered February 23, 2021 Available for all normal resolutions. Took a shot of the nearby swim club on the way to work! It's a weird sight seeing it buried in snow, and I figured it was another decent candidate for a snowy shot. I feel like THIS is the snowy shot I've been wanting all these years. I kinda forced one out in 2016 because it'd been something I'd been seeking for a while, and I figured it was a good chance to finally get it, considering by the time I would always get out all the snow had been disturbed and just generally looked ugly and any shots that might've been worth taking had already been ruined. Jump forward four or so years, and I'm walking to work every day, and... suddenly, more opportunities opened up to me on this front. It's a pain in the ass to navigate on foot, but I never would've been able to get in position for these kinds of shots in the past. I hope I can keep up with anywhere near this kind of momentum down the line. It's been an absolute blast making some new backgrounds from new and old shots alike these past few weeks, and I certainly plan on scouring the galleries to see if there's anything I might've taken down the line that I just never got around to doing anything with. (Hell, maybe I'll even take a couple old reject shots and do something with them. I've actually gotten a lot faster at this, too, surprisingly.)